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Myron A. Grant - J-B AHA Press: Design That Cares : Planning Health Facilities for Patients and Visitors 142 read online PDF


Customer-focused, evidence-based facility design promotes better health care delivery Design That Cares is the award-winning, essential textbook and guide for understanding and achieving customer-focused, evidence-based health care design excellence. This updated third edition includes new information about how all aspects of health facility design - site planning, architecture, interiors, product design, graphic design, and others - can meet the needs and reflect the preferences of customers: patients, family and visitors, as well as staff. The book takes readers on a journey through a typical health facility and discusses, in detail, at each stop along the way, how design can demonstrate care both for and about patients and visitors. The book explains the need for humanistic, evidence-based health facility design, with chapters on arrival and exterior wayfinding, interior wayfinding and the circulation system, waiting and reception areas, diagnostic and treatment areas, as well as inpatient rooms and baths. Later chapters discuss access to nature, particular user groups, such as people with functional limitations, and unique places, such as Emergency Departments. The book concludes with a discussion of user participation in health facility design and practical methods for making this happen effectively. Throughout the book, relevant research is flagged and research-based design guidelines are highlighted. At the end of each chapter, Design Review questions enable design decision-makers to knowledgeably assess documents, such as site plans, floor plans, functional space programs, and drawings, with an eye to the likely effects of proposed design features on intended users. For students, chapter summaries, learning objectives, and end-of-chapter review questions help facilitate a solid understanding. Health care organizations that pride themselves on customer-driven visions and user-friendliness can demonstrate their commitment by designing for patients' and visitors' needs. Design that Cares provides the definitive roadmap to improving customer experience by design., Design That Cares: Planning Health Facilities for Patients and Visitors, 3rd Edition is the award-winning, essential textbook and guide for understanding and achieving customer-focused, evidence-based health care design excellence. This updated third edition includes new information about how all aspects of health facility design - site planning, architecture, interiors, product design, graphic design, and others - can meet the needs and reflect the preferences of customers: patients, family and visitors, as well as staff. The book takes readers on a journey through a typical health facility and discusses, in detail, at each stop along the way, how design can demonstrate care both for and about patients and visitors. Design that Cares provides the definitive roadmap to improving customer experience by design.

Ebook Myron A. Grant - J-B AHA Press: Design That Cares : Planning Health Facilities for Patients and Visitors 142 PDF, EPUB, DOC

And Bhutan is a lesson in expanding horizons and experiences.Brings together the most wide-ranging and up-to-date scholarship ever assembled on the colonial, postcolonial and neocolonial condition The first and only reference of its kind that treats colonial processes as global and millennial Close to 400 entries offer unprecedented coverage, exploring the dynamics of European conquest from Columbus to China, and critiques of colonialism from Las Casas to Gayatri Spivak Written by an international cast of leading scholars An essential reference for scholars in a broad range of fields, including world literature, anthropology, political science, sociology, gender, feminist and queer studies, history and history of science, The Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies brings together the most wide-ranging and up-to-date scholarship ever assembled on the colonial, postcolonial and neo-colonial condition, covering the period from 1492 to the present.This separation of design from the place of production highlights the continued development of the international division of labour as tasks are distributed in different places, but blended together to produce design-intensive branded products.Wolf's designs are often inspired--and strengthened--by his many other creative passions, including photography, art, and travel.Developed by an author team with extensive records publishing on both human variation and normal human anatomy, Bergman's Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation is a long awaited update to this classic reference.Globally growing demand of energy and mineral resources, reliable future projection of climate processes and the protection of coasts to mitigate the threats of disasters and hazards require a comprehensive understanding of the structure, ongoing processes and genesis of the marine geosphere.Runge, Jr. Robert Runge, author of the popular Collector's Encyclopedia of Stangl Dinnerware, has produced an all-new edition of his Collector's Encyclopedia of Stangl Artware, Lamps, and Birds.Using cutting-edge, never-before-seen research from his acclaimed Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University, he reveals how innovative, inexpensive design changes--from public schools to restaurants, grocery stores to home kitchens--can make it mindlessly easy and profitable for people to eat healthier.Complete with an introduction by the editors, this is an essential volume for anyone interested in understanding poetry in an international context.The Encyclopedia includes Biography and Resources volumes, offering biographical information on individual authors, and Analyses volumes, discussing individual works.Disproportionate collapse is a pressing issue in current design practice.