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The Coventry Blitz of 14 November 1940 was a key event of the Second World War and in the growth of public consciousness of the destructive power of warfare. The medieval city, already undergoing rapid change, was largely destroyed on that night. The destruction was seen as an opportunity by some including the then City Architect, Donald Gibson. The result was the first of the master plans for post-war redevelopment of Britain s bombed city centres. The redevelopment of Coventry city centre to plans by Gibson and his successors provided an intensely urban and civilised centre, embodying new planning principles. Post-war Coventry was hugely influential and Gibson s ideas helped to shape the rebuilding of other city centres, the post-war new towns and developments in Europe. Despite incremental change in the subsequent decades the planning and architecture of Gibson s city centre are still clearly legible.The modern demands of a growing city on its centre are now very different from those of the post-war years. Coventry needs to grow and plan for its future and change will inevitably affect the city centre. This book aims to inform the public and decision makers of the significance of Coventry, and especially its centre, so that change can be managed in ways that will continue the life, use and enjoyment of the best of Coventry s remarkable post-war heritage.", The German air raid on Coventry on November 14, 1940 was one of the most destructive of the second world war. Carried out by 515 German bombers, the Coventry Blitz, as it came to be known, largely demolished the ancient buildings of this medieval city in a single night. Its destruction, however, was seen as an opportunity by some, including the architect Donald Gibson. The result was the first of the master plans for post-war redevelopment of Britain s bombed city centers. The redevelopment of Coventry into an intensely urban city center helped to shape the rebuilding of other cities, both in England and throughout Europe. "Coventry: The Making of a Modern City" "1939 1973" provides an up-to-date, accessible introduction to Coventry s post-war cityscape, describing key buildings and explaining their significance in Coventry s modern history, as well as contextualizing each within the larger planning principles employed by Gibson and his successors."

Read Coventry : Raising Awareness of Post-1945 Heritage in EPUB, FB2

By telling stories that are often ignored by the mainstream media, "We're Still Here Ya Bastards" shows the strength and resilience of a community that continues to work to rebuild New Orleans.A series of rich case studies examine a range of topics, including neighbourhood gentrification, subway busking, yard sales, electronic waste, and language, refining the touchstone principle of circulation for the study of urban culture, both materially and theoretically.In the same no-holds-barred style of her radio show, Angie shares stories from behind-the-scenes of her most controversial interviews and opens up about her personal life., Radio icon Angie Martinez is "The Voice of New York." Now that voice speaks out about her experiences at the helm of the #1 radio show in the country and her unlikely path to the heart of hip-hop music.The bloatmage prestige class, in which spellcasters use their own blood to empower their spells-but at a terrible price.She found solace in the idea that her words might brighten someone s day.In particular, it focuses on whether the assumed differences between London, the global city and Jerusalem, the holy city reflected in people's experiences in living in the two cities.How a young Francis Scott Key, attending school in Annapolis, became the poet who would write "The Star-Spangled Banner." How much George Washington liked to gamble in card games and on the races in Annapolis.Outlaws openly defy the city's Revolutionary Council and threaten outlying holdings.In 2010, Abramovich moved to California to immerse himself in Latham's world-one of fight clubs, booze-filled nights, and beat-downs on the city's streets.This chronicle of Washington's Catholic community and its major contributions to the growth of the nations's capital will be of value for everyone interested in the history of Washington, D.C., Catholic history, and the history of religious toleration in America.Ralph Crosby's "Memoirs of a Main Street Boy" tells the tale of growing up at a tempestuous time in U.S.